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Using consultancy in the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming

Companies, associations and public administration organisations today make extensive use of external support services. External support can help in planning and putting into practice organisational changes or in implementing new specialised concepts for action. It can take the form of expertises, studies, training, support in the running of the process, or consultancy. Putting GM into practice in an organisation can be furthered using consultancy services, if

  • consultancy services not specifically concerned with Gender Mainstreaming are oriented to gender equality or
  • consultancy services specifically dealing with Gender Mainstreaming are used.

Consultancy geared to gender equality

A gender equality orientation in inviting bids for and selecting consultancy services that do not specifically concern Gender Mainstreaming can make a cost-neutral and efficient contribution to the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming.
For example, a contract for a staff development concept can include the goal of gender equality between women and men with measures for the promotion of young female staff and for supporting compatibility of career and family responsibilities.
In introducing a cost and performance calculation with the assistance of external support, this should be structured in such a way that the people concerned can be identified by performance separated by gender (and other societal factors). In this way, important steering information can be gained, allowing resources to be shared in a way taking account of gender equality.

Gender Mainstreaming consultancy

The task of implementing GM places a great many new requirements on specialist areas of work and on the organisation. So it is often helpful, and is indeed to be recommended, for consultancy services specially qualified in this new area to be used when implementing GM.

External support can for example make an important contribution to the successful implementation of GM

  • in planning and supporting an implementation process for the whole organisation or
  • in planning and carrying out individual implementation projects.

In order to get consultancy services that are appropriate and properly targeted, organisations should try to define their consultancy needs in policy fields and subject areas as precisely as possible. Consultants can then help in defining areas of focus for and the form of external consultancy so that the organisation’s consultancy needs can be met as closely as possible.

Gender Mainstreaming consultants must be very familiar with the strategy of Gender Mainstreaming and be able to stand for the goal of gender equality in a credible way. Experience of processes of change in organisations is just as indispensable. This includes the ability to deal with difficult consultancy situations [German link]. Depending on the consultancy contract, they must also be competent in the relevant policy fields and subject areas.

Looking for the right consultancy services

The GenderCompetenceCenter offers support on two levels in the incorporation of consultants into the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming:

  • comprehensive information on quality of consultancy services is available here
  • and on difficult consultancy situations [German] is available here.
  • Our database of Gender Mainstreaming expertise [German text] came online recently. The database permits you to find high quality consultancy services. Clients can find out about the specialist competencies of consultants and the consultancy services they are offering by checking out their core statements on gender, gender equality and consultancy goals as well as their special areas of interest.
erstellt von Administrator zuletzt verändert: 02.01.2010 20:07