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Social security

Social security

The welfare state is intended to compensate for typical social risks in connection with employment and to promote equality of life situations. In the course of the present economic, demographic and social shifts, there is a growing need for social security. At the same time, the social security systems themselves are undergoing a process of reform to ensure the continued financing and responsiveness to need of the welfare state.
Here, social policy plays a crucial role in shaping gender relations. For example, social policy affects the way in which the gender-related division of labor develops by giving incentives for stronger or weaker participation by women in paid employment or for take-up of parental leave by fathers. Social policy also controls whether security is individualized or provided as couple or family-related forms of social security. Policy can likewise shape the proportion in which the State, the market and the family guarantee social services. The provision of social services such as caring for children or for needy dependents can for example be promoted in the public and private sectors or supported as a service provided by families.

There are many gender aspects of importance in the area of social security.

erstellt von Administrator zuletzt verändert: 02.01.2010 20:08