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Data / statistics

Data and statistics

Data and statistics offer information about social processes. Therefore, they can be used as the basis for the development, steering and evaluation of projects, programs, etc. and are the basis for research into causes and contexts. Whether it is an interested public, the media, politicians or administration, practically all social actors rely on reliable data.

Good data provide information that is as differentiated as possible on the target group under investigation and cover in an appropriate way the lives of women and of men in various life situations. Only with such gender data is it possible, for instance, to gain knowledge about discrimination, unequal involvement and possibilities for participation for women and for men within the framework of a gender impact assessment. In many international conventions, such as the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Peking in 1995 and in various tools for implementing GM, attention is therefore drawn to the necessity for collecting and presenting data that is differentiated in terms of gender.

Modern administration needs reliable data for evidence-based decisions. In Berlin, the Land Commission for Gender Mainstreaming has therefore decided to set up a Working Group for Gender-Differentiated Statistics and Data Collection [German], the task of which is to coordinate the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming within the Data and Statistics policy field in order to adapt data collection and statistics in the administrative authorities within the Land (federal state) of Berlin to the requirements of Gender Mainstreaming.
  • Here you can find information on how you can collect data yourself as part of your work.

  • Here you can find information on the quality of data if you would like to evaluate data as part of your work.

  • Here you can find information on data sources if you want to use data for your work that are differentiated in terms of gender.

Here you can find further reading on data and statistics.

erstellt von Administrator zuletzt verändert: 02.01.2010 20:07