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Raquel (Lucas) Platero: Outstanding challenges in a post-equality era: trans and same sex legislation in Spain

Raquel (Lucas) Platero is political activist, psychologist - political scientist by adoption- and researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Since 2003 Platero has been involved in two European research projects (MAGEEG and QUING) mostly working with policy frames, intersectionality, intimate citizenship and the entrance in the political agenda of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) issues in Spain. Platero is interested in the (ex)inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity in gender equality policies; partnership rights and same-sex marriage and transgender rights along with the creation of public services for LGBT people; and the lesbian feminist discourses and their impact on gender equality policies. Platero is the co-author of two books: “Herramientas para combatir el Bullying Homofóbico” (‘Tools to combat homophobic bullying’, Talasa, 2007) and “Lesbianas. Discursos y Representaciones” (‘Lesbians. Discourses and Representations’, Melusina 2008).

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